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Infrared Thermal Imaging

Infrared Thermal ImagingNot every home inspector uses infrared thermal imaging during an examination of a structure, but at Above Grade Home Inspections, we want to use every tool at our disposal to ensure the most complete and thorough assessment of your property. We believe in providing the best opportunity for homeowners to understand the condition of their structure in order to make necessary improvements, maintaining value and increasing enjoyment of their living space in the process.

Many homeowners and home buyers that contact us for services don’t necessarily understand what infrared thermal imaging is or the benefits of using it for home inspections, nor do they realize the importance of certification/licensure when it comes to utilizing this technology. We are more than happy to explain. Our goal is always to meet and exceed your expectations, and this means not only providing the best possible service, but ensuring that you understand the ways in which we strive to surpass the performance of competitors.

What is Infrared Thermal Imaging?

Infrared thermography, or thermal imaging, is a science by which thermographic technology is used to see radiation in the long-infrared range on the electromagnetic spectrum. Thermographic cameras capture images to reveal information that cannot be seen by the naked eye. In terms of home inspections, this means delivering additional details about the condition of a structure.

Because infrared thermal imaging technology excels at sensing differences in temperature, trained technicians are able to look at thermal imaging and detect a number of potential issues within a structure. For example, a thermal image may show areas of higher or lower temperature than surrounding areas. This could signal any number of issues, from poor insulation that’s leading to energy waste, to areas of excess moisture.

Armed with this information, home inspectors have a better chance to pinpoint all kinds of serious issues like plumbing leaks, electrical defects, foundation problems, pest infestations, and more. These problems may not be visible to the naked eye, and may therefore elude even trained and experienced home inspectors. With thermal imaging, home inspectors can glean additional data and provide homeowners with a more complete assessment of their property.

What are the Benefits for Home Inspection?

At Above Grade Home Inspections, it is our job to provide you with as much information as possible about the condition of your property, and infrared thermal imaging helps to make this possible. This gives you the greatest opportunity to purchase a home that meets your standards for comfort and value, or alternately, to prepare your home for successful sale.

Infrared thermal imaging offers a host of benefits when used during the home inspection process. There are many elements to be examined during a home inspection, including both external and internal components, along with roofing, attic, foundation, basement, crawlspaces, heating and cooling system, electrical system, and plumbing. Not all of these elements are visible – some are hidden behind walls, under flooring, and so on.

With infrared thermal imaging, home inspectors can see beyond the surface, to a degree, to get a fuller picture of potential problem areas. Trained and experienced practitioners can use the information provided by infrared thermal imaging to identify all manner of problems that aren’t necessarily visible to the naked eye, such as:

  • Plumbing or roof leaks, or water intrusion
  • Insulation defects (due to deterioration, gaps, moisture, etc.)
  • Overheated electrical components or electrical faults
  • Heat loss around windows and doors, or even through walls, flooring, and ceilings
  • HVAC system leaks or malfunctions
  • Pest infestation
  • Structural defects that could account for energy waste
    – and more

If you have the choice between a service provider that uses thermal imaging to gain a better understanding of the condition of your structure and one that doesn’t, why wouldn’t you choose the more thorough option? Above Grade Home Inspections provides the most comprehensive assessment of your structure thanks to the data provided by infrared thermal imaging technology.

Why is Certification/Licensure Important?

Infrared thermal imaging can provide additional data about a structure, but only for home inspectors that are properly trained to interpret the images. Temperature differences within a structure could indicate a variety of things, not all of them necessarily relevant to a home inspection.

For example, a trained and experienced professional would know that metal, glass, mirrors, and other shiny objects that reflect light cannot produce accurate thermal readings. With proper certification/licensure, home inspectors are guaranteed to meet quality standards and provide the best possible service to homeowners.

If you’re ready for superior service that includes certified/licensed infrared thermal imaging, contact Above Grade Home Inspections now at 845-345-8967 to request a quote or schedule your home inspection.